Lawyer for IT companiesWe are techlawyers – new generation of lawyers, specialist in law & IT.GDPR for small and big companiesAudit, implementation, legal support, Data Protection Officer Details Legal support for IT companiesAgreements: IT projects, SLA, with IT specialists. Techlaw advise. DetailsStart-UpsGDPR, vendor audit, agreements, techlaw advisory and more Details E-commerce & WebEvery e-commerce or web business need a techlawyer but not everyone knows it. We help shape e-commerce from scratch on it’s way to compliance. Don’t start on your own – make it with us! DetailsWhy Tech-Legal?1We know and understand IT law and technology.2We can assure legal and IT departments communication3Difference between opensource and proprietary software is clear for us4We know GDPRWhy Tech-Legal?1Dobrze znam i rozumiem przepisy prawne dotyczące IT.2Zadba, by zespół prawny dogadał się z technologicznym.3Odróżniam opensource od zamkniętego rozwiązania.4Mam RODO w małym palcu. Interested?Do you have a question? Set up a meeting with us and ask. Call us Write to US